Setting up a contract

Get in touch with SatVu to set up an agreement and gain access to the SatVu platform. The agreement will cover a set of core definitions:

  • What is the product scope: do you have the ability to task our satellite and/or access the historical data catalog?
  • Who in your organisation should access the SatVu platform?

Once an agreement is in place, it’ll be visible on the platform as a contract. Your organisation can have multiple contracts which might have different product scopes or provide access to different people. This helps you organise your projects and enables transparent management of data orders.

Each contract has agreed start and end dates, prices for the data products, and a credit limit to spend within a calendar month.

Creating a platform account

Once the contract is set up and you are listed in the contract, you will receive a verification email. The link in the email sends you to the SatVu platform starting page where you set up your account. Click on “Forgot password?” and follow the instructions.

After logging into the platform, you will land on the Dashboard page where you can select the contract to proceed to satellite tasking or to access the historical data catalog.

SatVu web application - contract selection dashboard.
SatVu web application - contract selection dashboard.

SatVu platform contract definition

Every contract in the platform has a set of parameters that you define during the process of setting up the agreement:

  • Name and description of the contract.
  • Credit limit. This value defines how much you can spend during a calendar month. This helps manage spending in a controlled way. Each data purchase will deduct money from the credit limit. For more information, see below.
  • Start and end dates. These enable tracking and management of the contracts in a controlled environment. You will not be able to access the contract before the start date or place data orders after the end date.
  • Geographical access. This refers to the geographical area where access to SatVu data is permitted. This will either be global access or access to a specified region. The area is valid for both Catalog and Tasking.
  • Catalog withhold options. This refers to the capability of withholding ordered tasking data from being published in the catalog. For a selected period of time, the data will only be visible for a user who placed an order. Each contract defines the withhold options for tasking data ordering.

In the SatVu platform web application, you must select the contract to start exploring the data catalog or to place tasking orders. For API users, you need to specify the contract ID in the endpoint path. More information is available in the Developers guide.

Geographical access

The information about the geographical area of access is visualised on the Dashboard and then in catalog and tasking applications.

The Dashboard has a label that describes whether the contract provides access to the entire world or to some specific region.

SatVu web application - geographical access described.
SatVu web application - geographical access described.

In the case of the contract provides access to a specific region only, you will notice different styling applied on a map. The area where you cannot access historical data or task a satellite is greyed out.

SatVu web application - geographical access visualised.
SatVu web application - geographical access visualised.

Catalog withholds

Each contract could have different catalog withhold options enabled. Each option represents the amount of time the images are withheld from the public catalog. Catalog withhold options are defined for all tasking products.

For the web app users, catalog withhold options are displayed when you place a tasking order. You can choose an option, and you will see the price associated with it.

SatVu web application - Standard priority tasking order - Withhold options.
SatVu web application - Standard priority tasking order - Withhold options.

SatVu web application - Assured priority tasking order - Withhold options.
SatVu web application - Assured priority tasking order - Withhold options.

For the API users, you can find information how to retrieve available withhold options in the Tasking RESTful API tutorial.

Billing mechanism

The SatVu platform provides a transparent and secure mechanism for managing purchases. Every single contract has a defined credit limit. The limit defines how much can be spent within a calendar month. By the end of every month, the invoice will be generated and shared with you.

The platform has two product offerings that will deduct money from the credit limit: catalog and tasking. In both cases, the equivalent value or cost will be deducted from your credit limit once you place an order. However, the invoicing differs between them:

  • For catalog orders, the data is delivered immediately, so all catalog orders will be invoiced.
  • For tasking orders, data will be delivered at some point in the future. So, even though we will deduct money from the credit limit, you will not be invoiced before we successfully deliver the data.