Getting started

At SatVu, we understand the importance of providing reliable and comprehensive programming interfaces to enable scalable, automated access to data. SatVu platform includes RESTful API and Python SDK so you can integrate SatVu data into your own tools.

The following table summarises key product offerings and their support by different interfaces:

Product Offering API Python SDK Web app
Tasking data ordering
Catalog search
Catalog ordering
Thermal statistics In development In development

Lakefront Airport, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA
Lakefront Airport, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA

Key API principles page describes the process of accessing API, versioning approach, limits and other information.

Documentation overview

The “Developers” part is focused on accessing SatVu services using API and Python SDK. It includes core definitions and how-to guides. We also provide API reference documentation.

The “Guides” part of the documentation is structured to provide general information about core principles and support you with getting the data you need using the SatVu web application.