Catalog search and order

You can search for data in our catalog based on the images’ metadata. SatVu follows the STAC specification and therefore enables a variety of search parameters.

The following table shows the search parameters available in different interfaces:

Parameter API Python SDK Web app
Supported spatial relationship Intersects Intersects Intersects
Geometry types (as per Point, MultiPoint, Linestring, Multilinestring, Polygon, Multipolygon Point, MultiPoint, Linestring, Multilinestring, Polygon, Multipolygon Point, Polygon
Date range
Catalog scene identifier
Cloud coverage
Off-nadir angle
Ground sample distance
Azimuth angle
Sun elevation angle
Sun azimuth angle

In addition to search parameters, a user can specify sorting rules and the number of items to return in a single query.

Image thumbnail and preview

Every catalog scene has an associated preview and a thumbnail image made visible through the SatVu web app. These are provided to give you an understanding of how the data will look and are not georeferenced. The thumbnail might be particularly useful in cases where there is partial cloud coverage in an image and you want to be sure this doesn’t obscure your area of interest.

Previews will appear on the map when you select an image in the sidebar or click on the corresponding footprint (outlined in yellow).

SatVu web application - catalog interface, previewing catalog scenes.
Catalog interface

SatVu web application - catalog interface, previewing catalog scenes.

Placing a catalog order

Once you’ve searched the catalog and identified scenes that you are interested in, you can order them. You can specify up to 100 scenes in a single order.

Catalog data delivery is almost immediate. We don’t have catalog order statuses - as soon as you place an order, you get access to the requested data.

Cancelling an order

Currently, SatVu platform does not provide the functionality to cancel an order. Any request to cancel an order must be communicated through the customer success team. Please write an email with your cancellation order request to the following email address and include your order and contract IDs.