Getting started

This Getting Started guide explains how to access SatVu’s high-resolution thermal imagery. We’ll cover satellite tasking, our historical data catalog, our self-service data platform, and how to start using it!

Railway station - Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Railways station (Chicago, Illinois, USA)

The Accessing SatVu platform page describes how to start using the platform, the concept of the contract and how SatVu platform features are connected with the contractual model.

SatVu platform overview

SatVu’s thermal satellite data can be accessed directly through our data platform. SatVu platform comprises a web application, Python SDK and RESTful API, providing flexible access to satellite data for experts and newcomers alike. It allows you to perform satellite tasking and to access the catalog of previously collected data.

Satellite tasking is the process of requesting a new image collection. You can specify a location, time frame and other parameters for the image collection. SatVu platform provides a transparent price estimation, a straightforward feasibility check, intuitive order monitoring, and fast data delivery.

We also provide access to historical data: scenes that have already been captured by our satellite. You can search for data using multiple parameters, including location and time frame. Ordering from the catalog allows you to retrieve data in a matter of seconds.

SatVu web application - Tasking interface.
SatVu tasking interface

Documentation overview

The “Guides” part of the documentation is structured to provide general information about core principles and support with getting the data you need when using the SatVu web application.

The “Developers” part is focused on accessing SatVu services using our API and Python SDK. It includes core definitions and how-to guides. We also provide API reference documentation.