
The data catalog provides access to data that has already been collected. Every single data capture is identified by its footprint, timestamps and other metadata.

We have built our catalog in a way that enables you to find and retrieve the exact data that you need. It includes a comprehensive search interface and transparent pricing and ordering flow.

Urban area - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Urban area - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Catalog overview provides information about the whole Catalog data ordering. It describes core concepts and how the catalog is fulfilled.

Catalog search and order describes the capabilities of the search service and the process of placing the order. It includes information about the standard of the metadata used and search query support in API, SDK and the web app.

Catalog tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform successful catalog data ordering using the SatVu platform.

Thermal statistics describes the interface that the platform provides to simplify access to catalog data and enable sub-second data retrieval.

Catalog documentation overview

This part of the documentation describes core concepts, flow and the tutorial on how to perform catalog data ordering using the SatVu web application.

The “Developers” part of the documentation describes the flow using the Python SDK and the Restful API. In addition, we provide Search API and Orders API Reference documentation.