Tasking feasibility

A tasking feasibility check has two main goals depending on the selected Tasking product.

Standard priority - feasibility check

For the standard priority tasking product, a feasibility check is the process of evaluating if the satellite can capture imagery fulfilling the criteria provided. The SatVu platform takes into account the technical specification of the satellite, its current position and orbit, weather conditions, and existing orders, then tells you whether or not the satellite will be able to capture the requested image.

Even if the order is technically feasible when you run the check, we can’t guarantee the data capture as other constraints might affect the acquisition closer to the data collection time. These could be a change in weather conditions or we encountered some issues with the image quality.

The feasibility check does not automatically place an order and is free of charge. We recommend running it before placing a tasking order.

SatVu web application - feasibility check in progress.
SatVu web application - feasibility check in progress.

Assured priority - feasibility check

For the Assured priority tasking product, a feasibility check is the process of retrieving information about available satellite passes over the selected area. SatVu platform provides you with information about available passes with estimated values for the time frame of acquisition in UTC, ground sample distance and sun elevation angle for each of them.

SatVu web application - assured priority tasking passes.
SatVu web application - assured priority tasking passes.

Please note that the feasibility check for the Assured priority product can only be run for the next 8 days.

Tasking feasibility lifecycle

The tasking feasibility check starts with creating a feasibility request. This request takes time to be processed - usually less than a minute.

Once it’s submitted, the request will have one of the following statuses:

Web App Name API Name Description
In Queue pending The feasibility check is in the queue.
Checking processing The feasibility check is being performed.
Failed failed The feasibility check has failed. We recommend creating a new one or communicating with the customer success team.
Feasible feasible The tasking order with specified constraints is feasible.
Not Feasible not feasible The tasking order with specified constraints is not feasible. We do not recommend placing a tasking order with this status since it will most likely be rejected.