Catalog overview

Using the SatVu platform, you can discover SatVu historical satellite data. The catalog consists of images collected by SatVu and our users’ past tasking orders. We constantly collect data while the satellite is not tasked by our clients in order to build up a reliable historical dataset over key locations around the world.

The catalog section of the web application provides access to the whole catalog data ordering flow. This includes a few core steps:

  • Discovering data - search for available data and preview it.
  • Estimating costs - each image has a price associated with it, so you can plan your costs upfront.
  • Ordering data - placing an order for the catalog data. When you order data from the catalog, you get access to the entire scene.
  • Downloading data - retrieving the data.

The whole flow is available through the RESTful API, Python SDK, and web app.

SatVu web application - catalog interface.
Catalog interface

Key concepts

Catalog search is the process of searching data in a catalog based on the image metadata. The metadata usually includes the footprint of the image, the timestamp and other image parameters: cloud coverage, off-nadir angle, ground sample distance, etc.

Catalog scene represents a single image captured by a satellite. Information about catalog scenes returned as a result of a catalog search request.

Catalog order defines a request for one or more catalog scenes. Once the order is successfully created, you have access to the catalog data.