Thermal statistics

The thermal statistics service is an experimental feature of the platform which allows you to retrieve information from our imagery in a way that is quicker and more scalable than downloading the data in its entirety.

The service is currently available through our RESTful API; it allows easy access to geospatial data for those developing web applications. The API extracts thermal statistics for a feature of interest - a lake, for example - in a fraction of a second.

Visualising Thermal Statistics API response with
Visualising Thermal Statistics API response with

Thermal statistics API

Thermal Statistics API tutorial and reference documentation provide all the information about the service. To retrieve thermal statistics, you just need to specify the geometry of interest and catalog item IDs of scenes you want to extract information from.

Statistics are returned as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection which enables integration into any geospatial tool or library. In addition to the thermal statistics, the endpoint returns the image metadata.


Thermal Statistics API returns the following values:

Value Description
p10 10th percentile value for the pixels in the area of interest.
p25 25th percentile value for the pixels in the area of interest.
p50 50th percentile value for the pixels in the area of interest.
p75 75th percentile value for the pixels in the area of interest.
p90 90th percentile value for the pixels in the area of interest.
mean Mean value for the pixels in the area of interest.
min Minimum value for the pixels in the area of interest.
max Maximum value for the pixels in the area of interest.
std Standard deviation value for the pixels in the area of interest.
no_data Number of no-data pixels in the SatVu scene that intersect with the geometry.
pix_count Total number of pixels of the SatVu scene that intersect with the geometry.