Catalog tutorial

Read this tutorial if you are looking for a step-by-step guide on how to search the data catalog, create a catalog order and get data delivered from start to finish.

In this guide, you will learn how to:

  1. Select a contract to use for your order
  2. Search for catalog data
  3. Place an order
  4. Retrieve the data

Dashboard contract selection

The catalog flow starts with selecting a contract that provides you access to the catalog section of the web application. More information about what the contract includes is available under Accessing SatVu platform.

You can see all your available contracts on the Dashboard page. Every contract is defined by its name and unique identifier.

Contract selection dashboard.
Contract dashboard

Once you click on “Catalog →”, the web app opens a catalog page where you can search and order data. You will see the selected contract on any page within the web app.

Discovering available data

When you open the Catalog tab, you will see the map interface and a sidebar with catalog search parameters. The map has a heatmap visualisation layer to show areas on the globe where our data is concentrated; gaps will gradually be filled in as HotSat-1 collects more and more data!

Catalog interface - heatmap layer.
Catalog interface - heatmap layer.

Search parameters

While the heatmap feature shows the availability of imagery in different regions, you must provide the geometry of your area of interest to start searching for individual images. You can search using the geocoding component and type an address in the sidebar, upload a geometry file or draw an area of interest using the drawing tools.

As well as searching by location, you can use the start and end date fields to filter for imagery captured within a certain time frame. The start date will be included in the search period, while the end date won’t.

The geocoding also enables coordinates input, supporting the decimal number definition of coordinates (e.g., 52.514191, 13.400288). In this case, a given location will be added to the map and the system will perform the catalog search.

The input also supports the ID of the scene or multiple scenes. That helps locating the image of interest if you have the image identifier. Please note, that while searching by IDs, other parameters are ignored.

Drawing tools

To access drawing tools, hover on the pencil icon and select your preferred way of drawing the geometry:

  • Add point. This enables adding a point geometry to the map.
  • Add polygon. This enables adding a polygon geometry. The tool enables drawing complex geometries.
  • Add a bounding box. This enables drawing a rectangular geometry.

Catalog interface - drawing tools.
Catalog interface - drawing tools.

File upload

Another way to provide a geometry is to upload a file with the vector geometry definition. The web application supports the following file data formats: GeoJSON, KML, KMZ and ESRI Shapefile. For the ESRI Shapefile file, please upload a .zip archive with all required files: .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbx.

Search results

As soon as you provide geometry the web app performs the catalog search. You will see catalog scenes that match your search parameters in the sidebar and their footprints visualised on a map.

Catalog interface - search results.
Catalog interface - search results.

When you hover over the search result, you will see the footprint highlighted on the map. The same logic applies when you hover the image displayed on a map.

You can click on the footprints on the map to see the preview and select the image. You can also select an image using a tick box on the sidebar, this will then show an image preview on the map. In addition, clicking on the search results displays details of the image.

Catalog interface - image details.
Catalog interface - image details.

Ordering catalog data

When you select images you are interested in, you can add them to the Cart. Cart is the feature on a web app that helps you to organise the data that you are considering ordering. Once you have added selected scenes to the cart, click on the cart icon close on the top right of the navigation bar.

The cart shows all the selected imaged, their price and their previews on the map. It also shows the final price of the catalog order and the available credit limit. You can now place an order by clicking on “Purchase”.

Cart interface.
Cart interface

Once clicked, the platform will deduct credits from your account. You can either return back to Catalog or check the ordered data on the Orders page.

Cart interface - successful purchase.
Cart interface - successful purchase

Accessing orders and downloading data

The Orders page gives you an overview of all orders that you have been placed for a given contract. You can filter by Catalog and Tasking orders. The catalog order does not require additional time for processing, so you can immediately download data.

The Orders page has two main views for discovering orders: list view and split view.

While the list view provides information about catalog orders and selected images, the split view also allows you to explore images on the map. That helps locate the ordered image.

Catalog orders page.
Catalog orders page